Broken Window Serenade

Throughout his bid, I downloaded songs and made a video type diary so I could give him all of it when he got out.

One of the songs he wanted me to download is called Broken Window Serenade. I listened to it over and over again.

As messed up as this seems; it was my “suicide song”.

Suicide song = the song I listen to on repeat when I’m feeling depressed.

There are a few different songs I have used, but none of those are relevant to this post.

Well, back in January, I decided to come clean to my love about a lot of stuff I had done throughout his bid.  I hated myself for it and I wanted nothing more than to get it all off my chest so that he could decide if he wanted to stay with me or not.

He decided that he didn’t want to, which absolutely crushed me, because I was head over heels for him and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

I had quite a bit of trust issues before him, so I brought them into this relationship and ultimately it hindered me from giving my all the whole way through.

Anyway, I decided that I just would rather be gone than to have to deal with the pain and guilt and the horrible darkness that I knew would follow the break up.

Selfish? Probably.

I mean, geez…look at who all I’d be leaving behind.

Well, I put on Broken Window Serenade on repeat and laid back on my bed.

I won’t go into details, but I ended up in the hospital for…3 days?

I’m not sure.  It was in the middle of a snowstorm, so it seemed much longer.

We decided to work things through and I automatically felt stupid and regretful that I would even try such a thing.  I would be leaving everyone I loved.

For the first week or so after I returned from the hospital he was so different.  He seemed so concerned and everything around me felt weird.

I spend a lot of time thinking back on the things I have done in life and I am ashamed. I regret a lot,  but I can’t take it back, ya know?

My point is that even to this day, although I love the song, I can’t even listen to it without a heavy feeling weighing on my heart.  It makes me want to just grab him and squeeze him until I have no more strength.

It’s like I’m holding onto life with all my might.

It’s as if…

I have more of a purpose than just to be this girl that cheated on her boyfriend while he was at the lowest point in his life and got pregnant.

Excuse my language…

But ultimately, I was fucking myself the whole entire time.

Although I am and have been 100$ faithful and loyal for over a year now…

I should have been the whole time.

The point is that…

Even when you listen to your suicide song, there is still hope of some sort.

I don’t mean to sound so cliche…

Or like Snow White and Prince Charming off of Once Upon a Time (who are my least favorite characters by the way)

But, it’s true.

What’s that saying?

Expect the worst; hope for the best.

Life has a funny way of handing you challenges.

Keep Looking for more posts.



When Life Brings You Lemons…

From my previous posts, I’m sure you can all tell I haven’t been having the easiest of times.

They seem to be less positive and more focused on reality as opposed to the love of a man that’s locked up…or for a man.

I even changed the title of my page from “in love with an inmate” to whatever it is now.  It still has the same tagline, but…

Ok, so look…

Love will do crazy things to you.  Love will make a perfectly sane huan being with a good head on their shoulders and a promising future ahead go completely insane.  If you don’t think so, then you are wrong.  I’m not here to tell you what you believe is wrong, because trust me, I know I have some screwed up way of thinking, but love will drive you to do things you never thought you’d do.  The real love.  The REAL, TRUE, BURNING PASSION LOVE.


Not the weak “stay high for a minute or two” shit.

Love is the strongest drug you will ever take a chance to get hooked on.  Once you have it…you would kill to keep it.

I love this drug.  But, this drug is dangerous.  I just can’t put enough warning on it.

Take this for what it’s worth…

I may be young and dumb…

but I know what love is.

Because love has me wrapped around it’s finger.  Love has made me it’s bitch.

This language is not like me, I know…

but facts are facts and you can’t deny the facts…

Love…IS a drug.  Love WILL drive you crazy…

IF you let it.
